Chinese medical anti-influenza spray

新研發漢方精油產品 - Remedy

Chinese medical anti-influenza spray New Blend of essential oil formula channeled @Jessica Chau Exposure to wind may cause coldness and heat. In Spring, harm may be caused by wind and negativity stays. In summer,harm may be caused by heat. In autumn, harm maybe caused by humidity upward harm may cause coughs,and palpitations. Winter illness maybe caused by the coldness, spring may bring about febrile disease. - Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor In view of the onset of influenza lately, with a balanced mindset, an anti-flu essence oil is prepared with a new formula in the form of a spray. 全新漢方精油抗流感噴霧 Formula channeled @ Jessica Chau 因於露風,乃生寒熱。是以春傷於風,邪氣留連,乃為洞泄,夏傷於暑,秋為瘧。秋傷於濕,上逆而咳,發為痿厥。冬傷於寒,春必溫病。 —《黃帝內經‧素問‧生氣通天論》 有鑒於近日繁密出現流感病毒, 固以能量平衡考思之下,調配出全新漢方精油抗流感噴霧。

Its ingredients may serve the following functions


Heart leaf Houttuynia Herb - 魚腥草

for detoxification and anti-bacteria Divaricate 清熱解毒、抗菌
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Divaricate Saposhnikovia - 防風

for ease of headaches & liver 舒緩感冒頭痛、肝鬱
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Chinese Thorawax Root - 柴胡

for ease of headaches & liver 舒緩感冒頭痛、肝鬱
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liver Perilla leaf - 紫蘇葉

for the soothing of coughs and phelm ,and gas in pancreas and stomach 舒緩咳嗽痰多、脾胃氣滯
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Skunk Bugbane Rhizome - 升麻

for easing of sire throat toothache and oral ulcers 舒緩咽喉腫痛、齒痛口瘡、升舉陽氣
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Glabrous Greenbrier Rhizome - 土茯苓

for indigestion and enhancing functions of pancreas and stomach 除濕消滯、健脾胃
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Lemom - 檸檬

To help stabilize negative mood at times of illness, it contains much limonene 振奮患病中的情緒,含有大量檸檬稀
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Iching Hexagram: Acquiring followers (隨卦)

Acquiring followers - 隨卦

It means upper and lower harmony, act accordingly to heaven's guidance. Be natural, work in the day, rest at night. Enhances healthy and peace of mind. Putting on the 17th iching symbols indicates blessings to all of you for mental and physical joy and perfection. 上下和順。順應天道,自然,日出而作,日入而息,讓身心得以康泰。Remedy配上隨卦,寓意祝福你們身心愉快,健康美滿。