Golden Ripple 推出 Eliminate 消毒搓手液,讓您遠離負面能量!


In the scorching summer, do social interactions make you feel awkward and uncomfortable? No need to worry! Golden Ripple has launched a new formula of Eliminate hand sanitizer, specially designed to create a comfortable and carefree daily life for you. 在炎炎夏日,人際接觸讓您感到尷尬和不適?不用擔心了!Golden Ripple 推出全新配方的 Eliminate 消毒搓手液,專為您打造舒適自在的日常生活。
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Problem Backgroud 問題背景

Jessica @ Golden Ripple understands deeply......

that many people have concerns about physical contact, especially when sweat is flowing in the summer. The subtle discomfort often affects our mood and comfort. For friends with sensitive constitutions, it seems as if they can instantly perceive the breath and emotions of others, an experience that undoubtedly increases tension and anxiety. Even the essential handshake etiquette in social situations inevitably leads to the exchange of emotional energy. Jessica @ Golden Ripple has personally experienced such situations, and this feeling indeed leaves one extremely exhausted afterwards. Jessica @ Golden Ripple深知許多人對於身體接觸抱有顧慮,特別是在夏日汗水流淌時。微妙的不適感往往影響著我們的心情和舒適度。 對於那些敏感體質的朋友來說,仿佛能瞬間感知到對方的氣息和情緒,這樣的體驗無疑會增加緊張和焦慮感。即使是在社交場合中必不可少的握手禮儀,也難免讓人在不經意間與對方交換情感能量。Jessica @ Golden Ripple 曾親身體驗過這樣的情況,這種感受確實會讓人事後感到極度疲憊
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do you feel the same way? 你有無咁嘅同感?

In the workplace, if the company's atmosphere is discordant and the magnetic field is chaotic, then spending more than half of your day at work may continuously subject you to the influence of this negative energy, making you feel exhausted. This situation makes it difficult for people to concentrate and also affects the quality of their entire life. 在職場上,如果公司的氛圍不和諧,磁場紛亂,那麼每天花費一半以上的時間在工作上,便可能持續受到這股負面能量的影響,令人感到疲憊不堪。這種情況讓人難以專注,也影響了整個生活的品質。
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Solution 解決方案

Eliminate hand sanitizer uses all-natural ingredients, alcohol-free, and is specially infused with aloe vera extract and colloidal silver from natural therapies to provide you with round-the-clock peace of mind protection. With just a gentle application, it's like putting on an invisible protective layer for your skin, keeping you away from the intrusion of negative energy. Eliminate 消毒搓手液採用全天然成分,不含酒精,特別融入蘆薈精華和自然療法膠性銀,為您提供全天候的安心防護。輕輕一抹,就像為肌膚穿上一層隱形的保護衣,讓您遠離負面能量的侵擾。 Key Features: - Provides protection to make your daily life more relaxed and enjoyable - Soothes discomfort after physical contact - Improves and strengthens your own positive energy field to block negative energy interference - Alcohol-free formula, suitable for sensitive skin 功能特點: - 提供防護,使您的日常生活更輕鬆愉快 - 舒緩身體接觸後的不適感 - 改善及加強自身利好磁場,阻擋負能量干擾 - 無酒精配方,適合敏感肌膚使用

Don't let unexpected contact affect your mood anymore. Let Eliminate be your daily comfort guardian!

讓 Eliminate 成為您每日的舒適守護者!

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