這門課程將帶領你深入探索18世紀法國新古典主義大師雅克-路易·大衛的代表作《蘇格拉底之死》(La Mort de Socrate),並透過其創作歷程,一窺這位藝術巨匠的內心世界。 我們將超越單純的藝術欣賞,以更為煽情、激憤、神秘的視角,解讀這幅作品背後隱藏的歷史、政治和藝術意涵,體驗一場別開生面的精神之旅。
- 大衛的時代: 我們將回溯至18世紀的法國,探討啟蒙運動、法國大革命等重大歷史事件如何深刻影響了大衛的藝術創作,以及《蘇格拉底之死》如何反映當時的社會思潮和政治氛圍。
- 藝術家心路歷程: 課程將深入探討大衛的藝術生涯,分析其創作風格的演變,以及他與當時權貴、革命領袖之間的複雜關係,從而理解《蘇格拉底之死》的創作動機和藝術理念。
- 解構經典: 我們將從多個角度解讀《蘇格拉底之死》的藝術手法、符號和隱喻,例如畫作中的光線、構圖、人物表情等,試圖挖掘作品中更深層次的意義。
- 「另一個世界」的視角: 課程將鼓勵你跳脫傳統的藝術史詮釋框架,從大衛本人的視角、蘇格拉底的視角,甚至從畫中其他人物的視角出發,重新想像和詮釋這幅作品,感受其情感張力和藝術魅力。
- 互動式學習: 課程將運用豐富的圖像、影片資料,並輔以小組討論和互動環節,引導學員積極參與,激發創意思維。
- 對藝術史、法國歷史、新古典主義藝術感興趣的人士
- 想深入了解雅克-路易·大衛及其創作理念的人士
- 渴望從不同角度解讀藝術作品,並探索藝術家內心世界的人士
Enter the creative world of Jacques-Louis David - the other side of "The Death of Socrates"
This course will lead you to in-depth exploration of the 18th-century French neoclassical master Jacques-Louis David's masterpiece "La Mort de Socrate" (La Mort de Socrate), and gain a glimpse of this artistic giant through his creative process 's inner world. We will go beyond simple art appreciation and interpret the hidden historical, political and artistic connotations behind this work from a more sensational, infuriating and mysterious perspective, and experience a unique spiritual journey.
Course Highlights:
- David's Era: We will go back to France in the 18th century to explore how major historical events such as the Enlightenment and the French Revolution profoundly affected David's artistic creation, and how "The Death of Socrates" reflected the social trends and politics of the time. Atmosphere.
- Artist's journey: The course will delve into David's artistic career, analyze the evolution of his creative style, and his complex relationship with the powerful and revolutionary leaders of the time, so as to understand the creative motivation and artistic concept of "The Death of Socrates" .
- Deconstructing the classic: We will interpret the artistic techniques, symbols and metaphors of "The Death of Socrates" from multiple angles, such as the light, composition, character expressions in the painting, etc., trying to discover the deeper meaning in the work.
- The perspective of "another world": The course will encourage you to break away from the traditional art historical interpretation framework and reimagine and interpret this painting from the perspective of David himself, Socrates, or even other characters in the painting. Works, feel its emotional tension and artistic charm.
- Interactive learning: The course will use rich images and video materials, supplemented by group discussions and interactive sessions, to guide students to actively participate and stimulate creative thinking.
Suitable for:
- People interested in art history, French history, and neoclassical art
- Those who want to learn more about Jacques-Louis David and his creative philosophy
- People who are eager to interpret works of art from different perspectives and explore the artist's inner world
Get ready to embark on this exciting and mysterious journey to explore "The Death of Socrates" and the "other world" hidden behind it!