Journey to the West 8 (藝遊記8) : Peter Paul Rubens 彼得·保羅·魯本斯

Journey to the West 8 (藝遊記8) : Peter Paul Rubens 彼得·保羅·魯本斯



日期:5 Oct (Sat) 時間:下午 2:30 - 5:00 地點:荃灣荃運中心二期L座9樓20室 人數:12人(額滿即止) 有Zoom 但只限身處海外嘅客人

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Peter Paul Rubens是17世紀佛兰芒巴洛克時期最重要的畫家之一,他的作品以豐富的色彩、充滿動感的筆觸和豐富的主題而聞名。在這堂幽默有趣的藝術史課程中,我們將深入探討Rubens的生平和作品,並透過一些有趣的軼事和秘史來豐富課程內容。 Rubens不僅是一位優秀的畫家,更是一位多才多藝的藝術家,他經常受到當時歐洲各地貴族和教會的委託。他的作品風格多變,涵蓋了宗教、神話、歷史和風景等各種題材,展現了他卓越的技巧和想像力。 除了探討Rubens的藝術成就外,我們還將揭開一些關於他生平的秘辛,探索他背後不為人知的故事,讓學生們對這位偉大藝術家有更深入的了解。透過輕鬆幽默的方式,我們將帶領學生們穿越時空,一窺Rubens的藝術世界,感受他獨特的魅力和影響力。 這堂課程將是一次兼具學習和娛樂性的旅程,讓學生們在愉快的氛圍中,深入了解Rubens這位巨匠的藝術成就和生平故事。讓我們一起探索這位巴洛克時期的傳奇畫家,一窺他那燦爛藝術之路的奧秘。 

Peter Paul Rubens was one of the most important painters of the Baroque period in Flanders in the 17th century. He was renowned for his rich colors, dynamic brushwork, and diverse range of subjects. In this humorous and engaging art history course, we will delve into Rubens' life and works, enriching the content with interesting anecdotes and secrets. Rubens was not only an excellent painter but also a versatile artist who often received commissions from nobility and churches across Europe. His works span a variety of styles and subjects, including religious, mythological, historical, and landscape themes, showcasing his exceptional skill and imagination. In addition to exploring Rubens' artistic achievements, we will uncover some of the hidden stories about his life, delving into the lesser-known aspects to provide students with a deeper understanding of this great artist. Through a light-hearted and humorous approach, we will guide students through time and space to glimpse into Rubens' artistic world, experiencing his unique charm and influence. This course will be a journey that combines learning and entertainment, allowing students to gain a deeper understanding of Rubens' artistic accomplishments and life stories in a delightful atmosphere. Let us together explore the legendary painter of the Baroque era, uncovering the mysteries of his brilliant artistic journey.


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